A battle cry – poem Robert Ilson wrote this poem: Stop HS2 ! No, we don’t want it though They do. So what ? We’re many...
“Two vast and endless tracks of rail” With apologies to Shelley’s Ozymandias. By Ruth Corderoy. I met a traveller from a northern land Who said: Two vast and endless...
Remember Ozymandias? With apologies to him and Shelley but not Cameron! By Richard Kenyon I met an MP from a ravaged land Who...
Vanity, All is Vanity This poem is by John: Vanity, vanity all is vanity, Top it up with a bit of insanity? Here we are talking...
My CV is impressive, By Gloria Dales: My CV is impressive, With credentials highly prized, So could you please make me a job, That is perfectly disguised. Create...
They’re dreaming it’s a White Elephant From the Archives: A Cameron MilibandClegg HS2 Christmas Song They’re dreaming it’s a White Elephant Each time they go to bed at...
The Big Issue THE BIG ISSUE This is the age the young sleep on the street Or sell The Big Issue, an old dog...
A Poem for Dave Geoffrey Palmer reads a poem for David Cameron on HS2. What would it take to change your mind, Dave? The poem...
A Cameron Miliband Clegg HS2 Christmas Song A Cameron Miliband Clegg HS2 Christmas Song They’re dreaming it’s a White Elephant Each time they go to bed at night McLaughlin...