The Big Issue


This is the age the young sleep on the street
Or sell The Big Issue, an old dog at their feet
So let’s get together and try something new
We’ll help these young people and build HS2

A chance for the future, for theirs and for ours
Surely not just a monument to political powers
Why go and spend billions on this useless line?
A sad empty gesture, their idea, but not mine

What will our grandchildren say when we try to explain
What the country then needed was a fast empty train
What were you thinking, I’m sure they will ask
How could you allow such futile a task?

What were you doing, they’ll want to know
When thousands were hungry with nowhere to go
Why didn’t you help those folk with no work
Was it essential, or a rich businessman’s perk?

One day in the future this millenium will end
And for those around then what a message we’ll send!
They’ll look at the line and think “What was it for?
Did it house homeless people or perhaps feed the poor?”

Did you carve up the country in the name of more speed
You’ve surely not built it as a tribute to greed?
But one thing’s for certain that doesn’t seem fair
We now understand it didn’t stop anywhere!

Yes, this is the age when the young roam the street
Begging for pennies for something to eat
But all most of them want is a job just like you
So lets get together and build HS2!


4 comments to “The Big Issue”
  1. This can’t be right. Cameron and Osborne say they are building HS2 for future generations and they are always right.
    “Hey kids, look what we are building for you! You don’t even start paying for it for 30 years and guess what?? – we’ll even sign the mortgage deeds for you as you are not yet old enough!”

  2. Perhaps now euro tunnel is interested in hs2 there might be a better package for the home owners along the route who will be havering all the noise and problems but no gain

  3. George Osbourne this week was looking after home owners that could be caught out in the housing bubble it’s about time he looked after the home owners caught up in the hs2 project that as seen values drop and mortgages refused and homes just not selling along the route presumably now he as the funds of a up turn in the economy he can take measures to correct this so all the house owners can move on with their lives and he can have his train set

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