Robert Ilson wrote this poem:
Stop HS2 !
No, we don’t want it though They do.
So what ? We’re many ; They are few.
But we’re too weak and They’re too strong.
— That is Their everlasting song.
Resistance ? Useless ! They will win.
To fight Them is almost a sin,
Or else at least it’s childish. They
Have Experts on Their side They pay
To say that what They want is right
(For Them). Why bother, then, to fight ?
Because what’s “irresistible”
Is what is unresisted still.
So fight we shall – because what’s new
Need not replace what’s tried and true ;
Because our cash were better spent
On us than on the opulent ;
Because the facts do not endorse
What They want to impose by force.
We want no Fat-Cats on Their rounds
Who tell us that we’re out of bounds,
Who can’t sit simply on Their tod
But must keep busy playing God !
What we do want is in our town
To say what goes up, what comes down !
Robert Ilson
Pingback: A battle cry – poem » Mid Cheshire Against HS2
What a brilliant poem by Robert Ilson. There have been a good number of anti-HS2 poems over the last 7 years.
How about a collection of them?
PS Please note my new email address, and delete the old one.
Hi All,
Please watch our film.
Resistance has started in Denham Country Park, Colne Valley. Here HS2 have been required to have an aspiration of No Net Loss of Biodiversity but the Plans show no such aspiration. People have started living in the woods which are planned for an access road. This is Climate Camp. Please visit support or join.
Ive given up trying to get involved with any petition against HS2. Never hear of anything happening?