Final Day of HS2 Phase 1 Property Compensation Consultation

Today is the final day of the Phase 1 Property Compensation Consultation: emails to need to be received by 11.45pm tonight.

Whilst this consultation is about Phase 1 we don’t see how the Government can think that having different schemes for Phase 1 and Phase 2 would possibly be fair, or indeed legal. So, if you haven’t responded to this consultation please do so today.  We’ve more information about the options in our post from a few days ago.

The quick option is to send an email before 11.45pm on Wednesday to

Possible text for this is:

“The only criteria on which compensation should be based is the loss incurred by the homeowner, irrespective of distance from the line. Hardship rules should be dropped, as these are unrelated to the blight, and do not take into account the length of time for the project to be planned and constructed. Blight extends beyond 120m, so any scheme should not be restricted to an arbitrary distance from the line. A ‘Market Normalisation Mechanism’ (which means the Government should make up the difference between blighted and unblighted prices) would go some way to making compensation fairer.

“Like the Deputy Prime Minister said in Parliament today, ‘full compensation should be available’ to everyone affected by HS2.”

Some recently published consultation responses (note Stop HS2 do not necessarily agree with everything in these responses):

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