After destroying habitats without the legally required ecology plans or licences, breaking three assurances given to the Woodland Trust in Parliament, attempting to drill without publishing the risk to drinking water and more, HS2 Ltd want to continue the destruction of the Colne Valley Park on Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th April (8am-6pm both days).
HS2 has still not been given ‘notice to proceed’ and is looking increasingly likely to be cancelled, but HS2 Ltd have planned the closure of Harvil to ‘facilitate habitat and tree clearance’. The grassland and woodland habitats have been cleared on either side, and HS2 Ltd want to continue the destruction of the roadside trees and hedgerows.
The Protection Camp is located at Harvil Rd, Harefield UB9 6JW, next to the Dogs Trust. You can get there via the Metropolitan Line to Uxbridge and the U9 bus to Harvil Road (331 bus and walk while Harvil Road is closed) or walk from Denham Station (Chiltern Line).
Sheer vandalism resulting from Greed, Arrogance and Ignorance.
So much for trying to halt Climate Change.
People along the HS2 route need not think they are alone. Those of us near Euston felt badly enough re the destruction in that area but are only too aware of the pain suffered by those out in the beautiful countryside. The wildlife habitat destruction is truly shocking. What will countryside lovers and tourists have left to look at , as we know what will happen either side of a completed rail line. That type of development is what the greed brigade are looking forward to. My MP is all for HS2 but then he is government deputy whip.
Thanks to Jane Gibson for her message of support that we along the route of HS2 are not alone – although sometimes it feels like a fight on an individual basis. We in Wendover will have not only our countryside destroyed by HS2 but our village is due to be fragmented by HS2. I have witnessed the destruction at the Cone Valley Nature Reserves and my village is next.
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