The extension to the HS2 Phase 1 Environmental Statement to 27th February, which Stop HS2 helped secure this week, has had some happy knock-on effects, inspiring people who weren’t going to respond to the consultation to do so.
According to Jane Gull, one such person was inspired in Camden but it hasn’t gone according to plan. Her story starts on Thursday January 23rd, the day after HS2 Ltd said they would abide by the House of Lords decision to extend the consultation.
“At 11.30am I called the 0300 123 1102 as displayed on HS2 Ltd website to get a copy of the ES – Volume 2 – Community Forum Area report for Euston – Station approach. I needed it for an elderly resident on Regents Park estate who has not got a computer and is house bound. I was informed that it wasn’t on the system and they would need to look into it and call me back.”
The next day, a lack of communication reminiscent of when the Stop HS2 Campaign Manager broke the news to HS2 Ltd that George Osborn had delayed HS2, was apparent.
“24 hours later, I received a message on my voice mail saying they were not sending them out anymore “sorry about that”. I called them right back at 11.51am to challenge this to which they replied the consultation had finished. When I mentioned the extension to 27th February they said they didn’t know anything about it and asked me “where I had read this?”. They said they would need to speak to head office as they had not heard about the extension.”
“At 15:43 somebody rang me back and said I had to ring another number 0870 6005522.”
Why people now have to ring a premium rate number to obtain documents Phase 1 documents, which can cost anything up to 16p per minute is a mystery. However, we have found the normal land line number for The Stationery Office via, which is 01603 622211. It is also the case that this new number doesn’t operate at weekends, while the 0300 number does. People can also get free copies of local ES documents by calling the HS2 Ltd. Public Enquiries team on 020 7944 4908.
The letter accompanying the original despatch of material says quite clearly, on 25/11, that “these materials must be made available for inspection by members of the public from 29 November until Royal Assent”. Maybe the SO didn’t get a copy of this letter either!
Include a prominent note where you do not understand what the construction is on your land or in your village. You must state in the ES response what you cannot understand from the maps and volumes of the hS2 construction on your land or in your village. State where the hybid bill material and the ES details give insufficient detail about the construction and land take uses please. You should demonstrate here HS2 is not providing adequate information and explanations in the CFArea before and after map in the Volume 2 map books and press notices and where you believe the presented material is likely to change. For a Judicial Review in the next month against HS2/DFTs decision to present the bill/ES material it has to be demonstrated the hybid bill as details which may change or will be changed by HS2 and/or their contractor. Let you Parish Council and MP know where there is likely to be changes by HS2 please.
The population has been diverted from mounting questions through MPs on HS2 hybid bill in February. Priority is to bring sense in Parliament Commons and Lords to prevent this project becoming legislation. Only 4 weeks to persuade local MPs to find the courage to change. Balls and Hague demonstrated wasted investment in this HS2 is fine by them and their parties. How can you persuade your MP or local Lord/Baronness to argue against this HS2 wasteful project when so many other more vital needs not being addressed.
Were the two time extensions to reduce MP queries about the 50B HS2. If legislation is ready provide diversion for February questions in Parliament Commons and Lords.
Clever diversion keep all busy for the crucial month.
Please ask your MP to ask questions in February about this HS2. Were all duped by clever tactic. Please ask local MP what he or she can ask in February. Petitioning will not change the current HS2 in principle which is needed to balance expensive poor rail scheme HS2.
Ask your MP what he and she will and wont do you your community please.