Route Consultation Phase 2 – deadline Friday 31st January

The deadline for the HS2 Phase 2 route consultation is next Friday 31st January 2014: responses need to be in by 5pm.

We would urge everyone to respond to the consultation, no matter where you live. (With the second extension to the Phase 1 consultation, everyone should have time to respond!)

The Route 2 consultation documents can be found on HS2 Ltd’s website in their Phase 2 route consultation section.

One option is to fill in the HS2 Ltd online response form .

Or you can responsd by emailing

It’s also possible to send responses in by post, although given the short timescale, we would recommend using online methods.

Phase Two Route Consultation
PO Box 1152

Whichever method you chose, please ensure that your answers state that you do not want HS2 built at all.

7 comments to “Route Consultation Phase 2 – deadline Friday 31st January”
  1. I do not want HS2 to be built , the money could be used better upgrading the existing network some of which is antiquated

  2. Pingback: STOP HS2 | A year of HS2 Phase 2

  3. I only wish that I could share your superb ability to look into our leaders heads and identify so clearly their hidden motives. Well done indeed.

    Of course, following the publication of such a clear statement by John and Wendy O’Harte, I would imagine that even now HS2 ltd are preparing to pack up and hand back the keys.

  4. Two extensions look contrieved to reduce pressure on MPs. New election flack and waffle from long serving MPs to divert attention. Hague and Balls agree to win votes for their northen groups through HS2. What a pair of selfish people and miguided in rhetoric.

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