Ruse gets all Ranty

You would have thought that the day that the Judicial Review appeal verdicts came in, that HS2 Ltd lead spokesman Ben Ruse would be a bit relaxed, but no, he still took the opportunity to get all defensive and ranty!

One comment to “Ruse gets all Ranty”
  1. Ruse Ruse Ruse this is the theme of HS2 Route 3 phase 1, process, consultation and unfortunately the shortfall in governance and democratic procedures.

    People await the petitioning to offer some Clause removal and limits whilst the route is rubber stamped even though it is a weak rail services proposal.

    Ask your MP what debate he will initiate to bring about suspension of the procedure to save England from this indulgence please. Ask your MP what he or she will do for you to come off the fence and bring about a change before March 2014 please.

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