McVey: Spend HS2 Money on Digital Infrastructure Post Covid 19 The £100 billion being spent on HS2 should be ploughed into improving digital infrastructure in the country as we...
41 Town and Parish Councils Call for Immediate Halt to HS2 Work Since this article was published, the total has risen to 48. Also, a petition has been published on the...
HS2 is like Building a Waitrose on Rails, Whilst Commuters Queue in Aldi. The Stop HS2 campaign has responded to the current speculation over the future of the HS2 rail project, by...
Hidden Additional Costs, Exorbitant Wages & Legal Woes: Just a Week at HS2 Ltd. These days it’s quite rare when the new bad news about HS2 is actually new, but then HS2 Ltd...
Secret Government Report says “Fundamentally Flawed” HS2 Could go 60% Over-Budget. A secret report produced by the Governments’ Infrastructure and Projects Authority months before HS2 got its’ final approval in...
Government reports on HS2 are still too secret to let HS2 Ltd see them. Two years ago, a request made under the Freedom of Information Act revealed that reports from the Major Projects...
Yet Another Damning Report on HS2 The Institute for Government has produced a report “What’s wrong with infrastructure decision making?”, which...
Green Party and UKIP manifestos against HS2 The final two UK wide parties to publish their manifestos have both re-iterated their opposition to HS2. The Green...
Survey: HS2 is the Least Popular Policy Amongst Conservative Party Members. Last week the Conservative Home website conducted a survey asking for opinions on policies which could form part of...
Cheryl Gillan attacks HS2’s substandard conduct On Cheryl Gillan’s website, there is a report from her appearance at the House of Lords HS2 Bill...