MPs Line Up to Criticise Grayling

Last Monday, Chris Grayling decided he couldn’t be bothered to turn up to the House of Commons to make his announcements on HS2. Although later he changed his mind, the reception his original decision got was probably the reason…..

HS2 and Public Sector Pay on Question Time

For the last two weeks, HS2 has come up on BBC Question Time, both times being mentioned as something which could be cut to help pay for public sector pay increases. Jacob Rees Mogg and Nick Ferarri have basically made the same point, that if you don’t want to increase borrowing or taxes, then to increase Government spending on one item, something else has to go, so why not pick the most useless item of Government spending?

We’ve added  these  clips to our playlist of the times HS2 has got a kicking on Question Time.


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