Five Live special on HS2

This week the Phil Williams Show on BBC Radio 5 Live was turned into a series of special programmes about transport. On Tuesday, it was the turn of HS2.

2 comments to “Five Live special on HS2”
  1. Many people may be unaware of the notes on works that will be carried out in 2014 by DFT/HS2 through others locally. The details in the Bucks Herald 27th November are in the link PDF below and are a long list of road, access and utilties work. These are from DFT and Parliament notices and not HS2 directly. They are very relevant to the Environmental Impacts and you should consider these in the ES response please:

    The link…/14132v1.pdf provides access to the Schedule 55/3 very important list to be read in conjunction with the Hybrid Bill Plans and Sections document for more details.

    55/3. High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill. The Bill is divided into two volumes.

    High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill – publications ……/14132v1.pdf
    55/3. High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill. The Bill is divided into two volumes. Volume I … Explanatory notes to the Bill, prepared by the Department for Transport, are … Part 1 — Temporary possession for construction of works …. ( 1) The power under section 4(1) includes power to acquire such easements or.
    high speed rail (london – west midlands) bill – publications.parliament…/en/14132en.pdf‎
    25 Nov 2013 – These notes refer to the High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill … have been prepared by the Department for Transport in order to assist the reader of the … They do not form part of the Bill and have not ….. procedure to that set out in section 8(1) of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 relating.

    Explanatory Notes to Bills: HIGH SPEED RAIL (LONDON – WEST … › … › Public Bills before Parliament‎

    Session 2013-14 … These notes refer to the High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill. as introduced in the House of Commons on 25 November 2013 [Bill 132]. … They do not form part of the Bill and have not been endorsed by Parliament. 2. … with a statutory blight notice if they want him to purchase their property.

  2. It is vital you report the lack of previous knowledge of the new announcements of advanced works and investigations being printed in the local papers or closure of footpaths and bridle ways and diversion of roads and gas and other pipes and power lines. There may be an abuse of powers in the Hybrid Bill but the vague references to the works to undertake without the timescales and schedules should be raised in Environmental Statement Response but also be Parish Councils with County/Borough and District/City Councils. This is the early work which will impact yourselves and your community. Suggest you question your Councillor and People in the local authorities as to their objections also to this works which is much too premature given the lack of belief in HS2 phase 1 Route 3. Please not the HS2 Hybid Bill Plans and Sections has these details of Works Numbers. They are now accurate measured areas as this work has not been undertaken. Another shortcut for a future need to address mistaken understandings. HS2 and its consultants continue to demonstrate a sprinter in a marathon with omissions and excuse and ambiguous wording where reasonably practical being a mantra.
    Select your areas from the list in the Hybrid Bill Plans and Sections list:
    Plans and Sections
    The Plans and Sections are part of and support the High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill.
    The Plans show the centre lines and limits of deviation of the proposed works and define the land that will be acquired or used for the purposes of building and operating the railway. A description of the land, together with details of ownership, occupiers and those who have a legal interest in the land is included in the Book of Reference, information for which can be found on the next web page.
    The Sections show a section along the line of the proposed works illustrating the level of the works in relation to the existing ground and existing features. They also show the maximum heights for certain buildings.
    The Plans and Sections are presented in volumes and are set out as such below. At the start of each volume of Plans is a key plan, which relates each sheet of the Plans to a map of the proposed line of route. This key plan should be used to find particular locations you may be interested in on the Plans.
    Please note:
    To maintain the high resolution quality of these documents and the visual content within them so as to assist with the identifying of details within the Plans and Sections, some of these documents are quite large.
    It will therefore take some time to download some of the documents depending on your internet connection speed and the hardware you are using, so please be patient whilst these documents download.
    You may also wish to right click & “save target as / link as” any documents on this page.
    Plans – Volume 1: Euston – Ickenham
    Plans – Volume 2.1: Colne Valley – Quainton
    Plans – Volume 2.2: Calvert – Burton Green
    Plans – Volume 3.1: Balsall Common – Curdworth and Curdworth – Curzon Street
    Plans – Volume 3.2: Curdworth – Handsacre
    Sections – Volume 4: Euston – Ickenham
    Sections – Volume 5.1: Colne Valley – Quainton
    Sections – Volume 5.2: Calvert – Burton Green
    Sections – Volume 6.1: Balsall Common – Handsacre
    Sections – Volume 6.2: Balsall Common – Handsacre
    Plans and Sections – Volume 7: Standing Orders 33 and 50(2)

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