Thank you for everything you did, Dame Cheryl Gillan.

Stop HS2 are very sorry to hear of the death of Dame Cheryl Gillan, a long term opponent of HS2.

Penny Gaines, chair of Stop HS2, said “Cheryl was one of the first members of Parliament to speak out against High Speed Two when it was announced in 2010. She made numerous speeches against HS2, and used her roles in Parliament to examine the project in detail. Cheryl remained opposed to the effects of HS2 right up until the end. We would like to pass our condolences on to her family at this sad time.”

These are just some of the things we will remember her for

Cheryl Gillan speaking at the Stop HS2 rally in April 2014

Cheryl Gillan speaking at the Stop HS2 rally outside Parliament in April 2014


A Message from Joe

Joe Rukin and Eevie the dog
Dear Stop HS2 Supporter, Sadly, and as many of you will have expected, I was denied permission for a Judicial...
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