From HS2 Ltd website: some details of the “Received EHS Applications Analysis”
From Received EHS Application Analysis – Phase 2
To Date | 1 December 2013 |
Number of applications received | 64 |
Number of applications which are reapplications | 6 |
Number of applications withdrawn by applicants | 0 |
Number of applications accepted under the EHS | 15 |
Number of applications rejected under the EHS | 22 |
Number of applications pending a decision | 27 |
Number of formal offers accepted by applicants | 10 |
Number of purchases which have completed | 0 |
(Less than a quarter of Hs2 Phase 2 EHS applications accepted, more than a third rejected.)
From Received EHS Applications Analysis – Phase 1
To Date | 1 December 2013 |
Number of applications received | 517 |
Number of applications which are reapplications | 146 |
Number of applications withdrawn by applicants | 23 |
Number of applications accepted under the EHS | 131 |
Number of applications rejected under the EHS | 330 |
Number of applications pending a decision | 33 |
Number of formal offers accepted by applicants | 112 |
Number of purchases which have completed | 99 |
(Less than a fifth of applications to the EHS have resulted in sale of the property, more than 3.5 years after HS2 Phase 1 was announced.)
Exceptional Hardship sums up phase 1 for no local TRANSPORT benefits. hS2 failed BRITAIN WITH THE WRONG ROUTE ACROSS BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. VIOLATION. See the options in volume 2 for Aylesbury which were too expensive and the distorted understating of losses and
damage. Thankfully the ex CPS Head acknowledges infringement of human rights. Please comment on those sob stories by hs2 where you were denied your communities request along the wrong route. The PM wants more local footage for his shopping trips for chops and presents instead of facing the issues and changing the route. No sense of importance only photo shoots.