#StopHS2 Tweet Storms Thursday and Sunday 7pm-8pm

If you follow Stop HS2 on twitter or read our mailing list you will have seen that we are asking you to join in a “twitter storm” tonight (Thursday) and on Sunday between 7pm and 8pm.

This is being organised by Moving Mountains Nature Network (@MMNN-ActionUK on Twitter), as a way to raise awareness about HS2 and the disastrous effects it will have on the environment if it goes ahead.

They say on their website

Take part in 2 tweet storms scheduled for 19:00-20:00 hrs on 24th April 2014 and 27th April 2014:

Nature is always accused of having no voice, when it comes to petitions. Let’s all work as a TEAM to raise awareness and help STOP HS2! 

– the storm will use hashtag #StopHS2 and is aimed at raising awareness, prior to the crucial voting by MPs.

– create your own tweets and remember to include #StopHS2.
– your tweets should focus on raising awareness of the need to ask MPs to vote against HS2 using the above link and also asking followers to attend the demonstration outside parliament on 28th April 2014
– you can also send out tweets using links to your favourite articles and information on the following websites:


– create your tweets in advance, so that you can send them out quicker during the tweet storm and help #StopHS2 trend on Twitter. Again during the storm you can copy existing tweets that you see under hashtag #StopHS2.
– tell your followers about the tweet storm now so that others can plan and join in. You can take a HS2 selfie and add the image to your tweet as well!

They have a huge number of suggested links and tweets on their website.

In particular, it would be great if you could tweet links to the HS2 demo

Some of the links we will be tweeting include

Ask your MP to vote against the Hybrid Bill https://stophs2.org/news/10749-mp-vote-against-hybrid-bill via @stophs2 #hs2 #stophs2

Demo – 28th April Outside Parliament https://stophs2.org/news/10699-demo-28th-april-parliament via @stophs2 #hs2 #stophs2

Please join our e-mail list https://stophs2.org/mailing-list/216-join-our-e-mail-list via @stophs2 #hs2 #stophs2

Take a Stop HS2 Selfie! https://stophs2.org/news/10709-take-stop-hs2-selfie #hs2 #stophs2

Stop HS2 newsletter – demo 28th April https://stophs2.org/news/10727-demonstration-hybrid-bill-28th-april via @stophs2 #hs2 #stophs2

Donate to @stophs2 https://stophs2.org/donate #stophs2

War veto used to hide key HS2 report from MPs!! Ask your MP to  using simple e-mail tool   

 demonstration 28/4/14  Be the knight in shining armor! Protect  and attend parliament. Meet your MP!!

Petitioning the HS2 Hybrid Bill. If a nine year-old can do it, so can you! https://stophs2.org/news/10734-petitioning-hs2-hybrid-bill-year-old-it-you via @stophs2 #hs2 #stophs2

Please join in and tweet links to your favourite articles and images against HS2 from all websites.

4 comments to “#StopHS2 Tweet Storms Thursday and Sunday 7pm-8pm”
  1. Please, please stop this nonsense….We don’t want or need this HS2 thing and where it proposes to go don’t want it either. There are SO many other things that this money could be spent fixing, helping and supporting. If you want our young people to be good future voters show them that some politicians can be trusted, not all arrogant wastes of space!!!

  2. Pingback: STOP HS2 | Three days, three things to do

  3. Am gonna be telling the truth to the people in the UK I will end up being killed this but if one person listens then it will be good.
    The HS2 has no real feasibility about it the truth is that it is a tool to reduce benifit claiments, first the department of the work and pensions will create work program’s (which is in the making) then it will progress to work program’s but away from home in a camp if you don’t comply with there rules. This will be under the sanctions because once you are sanctioned then you can’t afford to pay rent or eat so the only way you can live is to b in a camp where you have to do labour. This will be forced labour and once again slaves will build the railways. Eventually the benifit system will be eaten away by the powers that be and the immigrants will be forced also to build the railway as well as the disabled. Do to plans to make the system screw you over in every aspect immigrants and disabled people will be going into the camps in the masses until Britian is once again a working society. This is in the making I am warning you to revolt not revote!!!!

  4. Is there anyone there who can hear me?
    I’ve something important to say,
    It concerns HS2,
    It’s important and true,
    This needs to be addressed here today!

    Hello, hello … Are you listening?
    To these points that I make of concern,
    You will force devastation,
    Onto much of our nation,
    There are so many lessons to learn.

    Have you read my several responses?
    Telling you my thoughts on your vision,
    Hello…can you hear?
    No? Is it just as I fear?
    Have you already made your decision?

    As you’ve asked me so kindly to contribute,
    I’ll offer you all that I can (that I know),
    Must I say this again?
    As I try to explain,
    Are you there? Are you listening? Hello?

    Is there anyone there who will listen,
    Or is a computer my only respondent?
    Time’s marching on,
    And there’s so much that’s wrong,
    I’m beginning to feel quite despondent!

    Again, I’ve been asked my opinion,
    Pay a fee for the pleasure to speak,
    Will they listen this time,
    And abandon the line,
    For that is the outcome I seek?

    If they read all the words on my papers,
    And think carefully about all I’ve said,
    They could be proceeding,
    With real Bills more in needing,
    Having put HS2 firmly to bed!

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2010-2023 © STOP HS2 – The national campaign against High Speed Rail 2