Woodland Trust: HS2 will shoot a poison arrow through the heart of ancient woodland The Trust, which made a 16-page submission to the Oakervee Review including thousands of comments from supporters, says today’s...
HS2 Ltd Already Breaking Their Promises – Woodland Trust Back during the petitioning process when Phase 1 of HS2 was up in front of the parliamentary committee, HS2...
Last Chance to Respond to Environmental Statement Consultation The Consultation on the Environmental Statement for Phase 2a of HS2 will close on 30th September. Like previous Environmental...
HS2 Ltd announce Phase 2a consultation events. As part of the current consultation on Phase 2a compensation, HS2 Ltd have today announced a number of roadhsows...
Forthcoming Phase 2 Consultation Events HS2 Ltd Consultation Events for the Phase 2 Route consultation. HS2 Ltd recommend checking their website (click on...