Matt Bishop Completes Walk of HS2 Line, Calling for More Direct Action Matt Bishop has today completed his walk of the HS2 route from his home in Cubbington, arriving at Euston...
Forget what’s been announced, there are more Network Rail cuts to come. While all the focus following the statement from Patrick McLoughlin last week was about the Trans-Pennine and Midland Mainline...
Why homes matter to people A couple of weeks ago, we told you about the upset Hs2 Ltd caused Vikie Shanks. Her husband...
People like branch lines Yesterday, the BBC reported that there has been a huge growth in the number of people using branch...
Press Release: ‘BIG SOCIETY’ STOP HS2 CAMPAIGN HQ OPENS SATURDAY, DUE TO GOVERNMENT REFUSING TO FUND LOCAL STATION Stop HS2, the national campaigning body against the High Speed Two rail project will officially open a national campaign...