Stop HS2, the national campaigning body against the High Speed Two rail project will officially open a national campaign headquarters; 129-131 Warwick Rd, Kenilworth, CV8 1HY, this Saturday, 16th July at 12 Noon.
The building, a former builders merchant was bought by Warwickshire County Council last year as part of the programme to build a normal train station in Kenilworth. The plan was that a land swap deal would take place with another builders merchant, which currently occupies the proposed station site. However, the bid for funding to build the station was turned down this year.
Stop HS2 campaign co-ordinator Joe Rukin said;
“Because Kenilworth Station got turned down for funding a couple of months ago, the County Council were stuck with a building they couldn’t use. They can’t sell it as it’s part of a long term plan and they can’t let it commercially because no matter how unlikely, they might get the funding for the station tomorrow. So we asked to use it as our national campaign HQ and they agreed that was a far better plan than leaving the building empty and rotting away, this is exactly what the ‘Big Society’ is meant to be about.”
“The campaign has needed a focal point and offices for some time now and when the consultation ends in two weeks time, the work will get a lot more specialised and will have to be more coordinated and focussed on specific tasks. It’s also going to start getting more expensive as the strategy develops and so we’ll be launching a big funding drive. Now we have got this space, there is a lot more we can do, but of course the first two weeks will be spent all out chasing consultation responses, even if that’s just getting people to write the word ‘No’ several times. It’s all very rushed at the moment, as soon as BT install the phone line on Monday, we will be launching a consultation response hotline.”
Dave Shilton, Warwickshire County Councillor and Mayor of Kenilworth who will open the building said;
“It is essential that all the people of towns like Kenilworth and their surrounding areas get behind the opposition to this project and respond to the consultation. In this area, HS2 will not only devastate Kenilworth, but Coventry and Leamington and will have detrimental effect on all the areas it passes through without stopping.”
“HS2 will mean reduced train services to Coventry and no doubt Leamington in the future and will have detrimental economic effect into the viability of these towns. I urge everyone to oppose this madcap scheme and respond to the consultation.”
Notes to Editors:
1. For more contact Joe Rukin on 07811 371880.
2. Photos showing the progress of the Stop HS2 HQ can be found at;
3. The Stop HS2 HQ is located at 129-131 Warwick Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1HY.
4. The public consultation on HS2 runs until 29th July. For more details, visit
5. People can sign the petition against HS2 at;