Manchester Audience Sees Wright Through HS2 Propaganda

Last week, Channel 5 programme The Wright Stuff went on the road for the first time in 16 years. As HS2 has come up a few times on the show, it made sense for them to bring up the topic as they went to Manchester.

However, despite the fact HS2 is being sold to Northern Englanders as something to improve their economic prospects, the audience certainly weren’t buying it. Below is not only that clip, but our playlist including previous clips from the show.

HS2: “A white elephant on wheels”

This week, the subject of HS2 came up on the BBCs Question Time. As when it has come up before, it didn’t exactly get rousing support, with even the leader of the Scottish Conservatives Ruth Davidson MSP straying from the party line.

Reaction to HS2 Phase 2b Announcement

On Tuesday, when the Phase 2b ‘announcement’ was made by Government, the Victoria Derbyshire Show interviewed leeds City Council Leader Judith ‘Trolleybus’ Blake and Stop HS2 Campaign Manager, Joe Rukin. Here’s how it went:

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