In a Desperate Attempt to Cut Costs, HS2 Seriously Consider Cutting Fundamental Principle of HS2 In days gone by Secretaries of State for Transport such as Philip Hammond, Patrick McLoughlin and Chris Grayling justified...
Polling shows HS2 more unpopular than ever on eve of another relaunch. A YouGov poll for the Sunday Times shows that HS2 is more unpopular amongst voters than ever,...
Government plans to use HS2 property blight for housing land-grab. While the Government is failing to compensate householders suffering property blight due to HS2, Planning Minister Nick Boles MP...
‘Last chance saloon’ rail investment package will further undermine the case for HS2. On Monday 16th July, as the Stop HS2 campaign will be holding a day of action with a...
Cynical HS2 Community Forums Letter from Peter Jones, published in Camden New Journal: reproduced with permission. Anyone from the Camden community not issued...
Derby and Nottingham have to wake up to ‘new city’ threat. Campaigners against HS2, then proposed high speed rail line have called on leaders and the general public in the...
Cameron ‘schizophrenic and delusional’ over HS2 Campaigners against HS2 have branded the Prime Minister ‘schizophrenic and delusional’ following his speech about future infrastructure needs on...
Campaigners Shocked as HS2 Chief Engineer reveals ‘new city’ secret agenda. Professor Andrew McNaughton, the Chief Engineer for the highly controversial HS2 project, has revealed in a speech in Derby...
London Calling While the national media continue to be lazily content and seem to portray all opposition to HS2 as coming...