Practical details about HS2 consultation roadshows

We’ve been sent some information about the HS2 consultation roadshows in Buckinghamshire.

  1. File containing quotes made by HS2 Ltd and its staff about Aylesbury and Buckinghamshire –
    what HS2 Said about Aylesbury
  2. There’s a poster from HS2 Ltd with the dates of roadshows: you can print this off and display it locally.
    110505 – Buckinghamshire poster – final
    110505 - Buckinghamshire poster - final

    110505 - Buckinghamshire poster - final

  3. We’ve also been sent a timetable of buses to the Amersham rugby club for the roadshow; there are some from Amersham town centre and others from Denham and Harefield.
    110505-Amersham Shuttle timetables

These documents leave a question.

What are HS2 going to do about ensuring people in other villages get transport to their local roadshows?  Places like Quainton, Twyford and Turweston, which have no roadshow going to them.  Are they going to get buses?

5 comments to “Practical details about HS2 consultation roadshows”
  1. Jobs at HS2.`Planning` magazine on 21 April/6 May has adverts for jobs with HS2. Sustainable Construction Manager – Environmental Impact Assement Advisers – Planning & Consent Advisers – GIS Adviser – Accoustics Manager. . The advert says see to apply.

  2. In the past I have asked HS2 and Dft some (to me) key questions such as what will the fare structure be for Bham-London and why does it need to travel at 250 mph and have got no answers
    Is it worth my going to a roadshow?

  3. HS2 is advertising jobs. They are jobs to do with building a railway. The jobs are advertised in a planning magazine. So sad they are making us jump though the consultation hoop.

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