This comes from Denham Parish Council:
The Parish Council has always maintained that the Link Route(s) should form part of the main consultation, but HS2 Ltd and the Government have withheld their plans about them from the public.
However, we have very recently obtained a report (see link below) from engineers ARUP Ltd to HS2 Ltd on the various options for a network of Link Routes.
It briefly appeared on the Department for Transport website but is no longer available there. We believe that the implications for Denham, Iver and West London are extremely serious, so are publishing it ourselves.
The government has stated that it is in favour of link routes from the main HS2 line to Heathrow. One surface option will go through Denham, causing as much damage as a motorway. There are plans for stations at Heathrow and Iver. The fear is that this is a precursor to further development at Heathrow.
Judge for yourself by viewing the Link Routes Report via our website: Denham Parish Council.
This is another case of an alert campaigner spotting something hidden on the Department for Transport website. Please let us know about other examples.
Update: HS2 Ltd have just tweeted to say that the report is available on the Dft website at: