Financial Times: Folly of a £50bn HS2 project must hit the buffers
getWestLondon: Frustration after local issues ignored on Question Time in Uxbridge
Yorkshire Post: Thousands to be spent on HS2 lobbying campaign
Independent: A Budget for One Nation?
Independent: The key advice for the Northern Powerhouse is ‘small is bountiful’
Guardian: Ex-Goldman Sachs man talks sense on HS2
Dutch News: The Fyra high-speed train debacle cost the Dutch state €11bn
Mail: HS2 fight goes on, say campaigners
BBC: Five big questions that will soon need answering
Financial Times: Simple projects deliver the best results
Institute of Economic Affairs: Google might have an alternative to HS2
Get Bucks: Cheryl Gillan vows to carry on protesting against HS2
Wildlife Articles: The secrets of the UK’s Ancient Woodland- why we must protect it from HS2
Edinburgh News: Luxury plan to make rail travel ‘glamorous’ again
French Public Enquiry Rejects South West TGV Lines
Business Information Portal: Fears raised over HS2 impact on regional rail projects…
Why don’t we challenge David Higgins to debate with Jeremy Paxman ideally on TV?