This guide was written for petitioning the House of Commons. For petitioning the Lords (deadline 18th April 2016), visit this link.
Updated for AP4, October 2015.
Below are the all forms you will need to petition against the HS2 Hybrid Bill, and links to our guide on petitioning.
Please note, all petitions MUST be delivered in hand to Portcullis House, before 2pm on Friday 13th Ocotber 2015.
If you cannot get your documents to Parliament in person by 14th August, you have these choices:
1) Your MP can deliver them for you, but please note Parliament is not in session and they may be on holiday, so find out if they will be able to do this early!!
2) You can appoint someone else you know is going as your agent so that they can deliver them, though this means they will have to register as an agent (see guide).
3) You can get them by post to our campaign manager Joe Rukin, by no later than mid-day on Wednesday 11h October, if for procedural reasons you include the letter of authority, naming him as your agent along with the other forms and the £20. This does not mean he will have to appear on your behalf in front of the committee (though this can be arranged), it simply would mean at this stage that he has the right to deposit your petition. The address to send documents to is 2 Caesar Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1DL. Before sending the documents, please see the checklist provided by Parliament.
Stop HS2 comprehensive guide to petitioning the Hybril Bill
House of Commons FAQs on Hybrid Bills
A template petition (Please note, this has been specifically updated for AP2)
Petition cover sheet (This form has changed since the original deposit of petitions in 2014)
Letter of authority (If you intend to appoint an agent only)
Roll B Agent Registration Form (for those applying to be Roll B Agents only)
Certificate of respectability (for those applying to be Roll B Agents only)
To make sure you have got everything you need, see the checklist provided by Parliament
Everyone who is named as a petitioner must sign all copies of the petition. All copies must be one-sided pieces of paper.
We feel it is important (and this reflects the legal advice we have received), that people write their own personal petitions, but there are some issues which apply to everyone. Here are links to documents which may be of help, BUT, FOLLOWING WITH THE ADVICE CONTAINED IN OUR GUIDE, YOU HAVE TO PERSONALISE AND INCLUDE OTHER DETAILS.
The Woodland Trust text on Ancient Woodland
Bircham Dyson Bell & Sharpe Pritchard generic route wide issues
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