About Quarter of a Billion Pounds of HS2 Spending is Either Missing or “Not Assigned”, as a Decade of Waste is Detailed. Stop HS2 action groups in Yorkshire have collated a decade of monthly spending reports, in which the Department for...
HS2 Ltd Already Breaking Their Promises – Woodland Trust Back during the petitioning process when Phase 1 of HS2 was up in front of the parliamentary committee, HS2...
Didn’t they do well, part 1 Originally published on Peter’s blog: Everyone – well almost everyone – who contributed to the Lords HS2 Grand...
Typical Government Response to HS2 Report The Government have published their response to the report of the Lords HS2 Hybrid Bill Committee. Whilst...
Cheryl Gillan attacks HS2’s substandard conduct On Cheryl Gillan’s website, there is a report from her appearance at the House of Lords HS2 Bill...
One myth busted From HS2 and the Environment: One of the particularly controversial aspects of the HS2 project has been the stated aim...
Review of petitioning procedures on Hybrid Bills – Response of Stop HS2 Today is the deadline for submissions to a review of the petitioning process on Hybrid Bills. Below is the...
Parliament to review the petitioning process. Parliament is conducting a review into the process of petitioning Hybrid Bills. We feel it is incredibly important to...
House of Lords Select Committee announces intitial steps From the Select Committee website: The Select Committee on the High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Bill (Lords)...
HS2 to have Construction Complaints Commissioner who can’t look at most Complaints Last week, HS2 Ltd announced they were looking for a construction commissioner who will be able to look into...