Press Release 25 February 2011 STOP HS2 Disgusted by Sham Consultation Launch Stop HS2 Limited is the National Campaigning Organisation against High Speed Two (HS2). STOP HS2 is astounded by the actions...
Walking with Waterman Let’s get one thing straight, I like Pete, in fact I like him a lot; he is a genuinely...
Calling all MPs! Over the weekend, every single Member of Parliament in the UK has received an email from STOP HS2 inviting...
Convention Update This article is about the 2011 Stop HS2 Convention. For details on the 2013 Stop HS2 Convention, click here. National awareness...
Stop HS2 is holding a National Convention Press Release 21 January 2011 Stop HS2 is holding a National Convention Saturday 19th February 2011 Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire Stop...
Countryfile, HS2 & Questions? Hopefully you saw Countryfile on Sunday when our Chairman Lizzy Williams spoke with John Craven about High Speed...
Looking Ahead in 2011 2011 promises to be a busy year for campaigners against HS2. In the first half of the year, the...
“Ed Milliband says planned cuts are choice not necessity” You can read Mr Miliband’s New Year message in full here as published in the Guardian today. In line...