Calling all MPs!

Over the weekend, every single Member of Parliament in the UK has received an email from STOP HS2 inviting them to the STOP HS2  National Convention on 19th February.

Is your MP attending? Ask them if they have RSVPd and if they are not able to attend what are they doing about understanding the economic and environmental implications of HS2 to every single householder in Britain?

Here is what we have said to them in our invitation:-

Dear Member of Parliament,

STOP HS2 is the national campaigning organisation against High Speed 2.

Perhaps you saw us on Countryfile recently

We know that the scale of High Speed 2 will be understood by you and that you are aware this is the largest infrastructure project the government is currently pursuing. HS2 is promised to impact all of us in the UK but what everyone needs to decide is whether that impact will be truly transformational in either a negative or a positive way for the country.

We know you will also be aware that the real predicted cost is £34.7 billion to the taxpayer for the first phase.

Those of you interested in sustainability will be aware that no Environmental Impact Assessment has been carried out therefore any claims that it will be “green” are completely unsubstantiated. The 250 mph speed intended is not carbon efficient.

Those of you who are examining the deficit and cuts affecting your constituents will be aware that the currently published business case is being reviewed and that Maria Eagle this week has expressed concerns over affordability when the country is facing massive austerity measures.

You will be aware that HS2 Ltd is currently spending millions of pounds of tax payers money when we are facing cuts in essential services.

You will be aware that none of the householders or business owners directly affected by the proposed route have had any form of formal communication from the Government telling them their property has been included in the plans. That’s over 10 months where people’s futures have been stolen without any notification. That sets a dangerous precedent for our rights to enjoy our property in this country.

Are you sure in your mind the HS2 project will deliver what it promises? It is a huge amount of money to commit for years to come.

We are hosting an emergency National Convention on 19th February 2011 at the directly affected, former Royal Agricultural Showground, Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire. We wish to encourage national involvement in the National Consultation on HS2 due in February this year. The Government is working very hard to promote High Speed 2 and we are trying to ensure the debate is an informed one and that as much essential information is provided to the public.

We wish to invite you to join us and hear more about High Speed 2 and the potential implications for the UK as a whole.

We have an impressive list of key speakers on the subject including:-

Christian Wolmar, “Britain’s Leading Transport Commentator”

Professor John Whitelegg, Green Party and International Sustainable Transport expert,visiting Professor of Sustainable Transport at Liverpool John Moores University  and Professor of Sustainable Development at University of York’s Stockholm Environment Institute.

Mike Nattrass MEP, UKIP

Geoffrey Robinson MP, Labour Coventry North

Professor Mike Geddes,

We also have speakers on the Environmental Impact including

Colin Wilkinson, RSPB

Stephen Trotter, Wildlife Trusts

Mark Sullivan, CPRE

Steve Rodrick, Chiltern Conservation Board

In addition there will be economic speakers including Dr John Savin (author of the Wendover Report) who will be addressing Net Benefit Ratio calculations and

Paul Withrington, Transport Watch who will cover his notes for MPs. Knight Frank will be speaking on compensation applications. The final programme will be confirmed nearer the time.

There is also an exhibition of action groups from along the line and objective environmental organisations.

If you would like to join us, all we ask is that you confirm by email in order that we make suitable arrangements to accommodate you. Even if you are unable to come, please do visit our website and take a look at the petition site where you can see comments from the 30,000 people so far who have signed. We have over 10,000 visits to our website every week and this is growing. The public are interested in knowing more about HS2. Money and land are in short supply in this country and we should not part with either without being absolutely certain the sacrifice is worth it.

Please forgive this invitation being by email but STOP HS2 has an environmental policy whereby we seek to eliminate unnecessary use of paper.

You can read more about the convention on our website

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Lizzy Williams

Chairman STOP HS2

3 comments to “Calling all MPs!”
  1. We know you will also be aware that the real predicted cost is £34.7 billion to the taxpayer for the first phase.
    do we ???? £17 billion first leg £34 billion total.

    I have to say that whilst mr evans is a supporter of hs2 like myself his comments were shall we say a bit over the top ! I believe that we need a debate on hs2 and that every viewpoint should be respected no matter which side of the debate you are on.

    I dont not think that stophs2 criticisms are valid and i have said why in my many posts ! But I support your right to do so and I try to refrain from making any offensive comments ! Apart from supporting hs2 that is !

  2. Pingback: STOP HS2 | Our response to Philip Hammond’s letter tp MP’s

  3. Pingback: STOP HS2 | Stop HS2 slammed in House of Commons

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