Newsnight report reveals the towns & cities that will suffer from HS2 being built – information that HS2 Ltd tried to keep secret. David Grossman reports, Friday 18th October 2013.
More details can be found on our article, Government found to be hiding information showing cities losing out due to HS2.
Some Reactions to the report:
Guardian: HS2: government accused of suppressing rail project’s ‘losers’
Independent: HS2: Cities which stand to lose out revealed
Huffington Post: Cities ‘Could Lose £220m’ Over HS2 Rail Project
LibDem Voice: Vampire railway: High Speed 2 to suck life out of local economies
This is Cornwall: HS2 Hammer blow for Devon and Cornwall economy
Sunday Post: Losing Areas will pay true price of HS2 rail project
Hey was that just a typo or a Freudian slip?
It was a typo. Thanks for pointing it out.
Peter. Are you so desperate to plead the case for HS2 that you’d actually try and infer a typo was a Freudian slip? You’re better that, surely?
Perhaps you should just relax
Something tells me, you’ve are suffering from a serious sense of humour failure?
It’s very hard to find your sense of humour when you are subjected to a barrage of deceit, spin,half truths,misleading information and sometimes abuse from people you pay
Keep smiling, brace yourself against adversity and remember; whether upside down, back to front or inside out- always- wear your slip with pride!