Full programme for Stop HS2 Convention, 29th June.

The full programme for the Stop HS2 National Convention on June 29th at the Stafford County Showground (ST18 0BD) has now been announced. To get your ticket, please click this link.

In 2011, Stop HS2 held the first National Convention at another agricultural showground affected by HS2, the National Agricultural Centre in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire. Over 500 people attended (we stopped counting at 500!) and the day was a real success, with people coming to find out more about HS2, more about what they can do about HS2 and getting together with people from all over the country facing the same issues. The first convention intended to make the campaign against HS2 stronger, and it did. That is why we hope you will join us in Stafford.

The event will start and end with talking about the campaign so far and what we do next. Between that there will be a range of different session to choose from:


Time Topic Description Speaker/s
10.30 -10.45 1. Welcome Richard Dyott (for the organising group)
10.45 -11.45 2. The story so far: what we’ve done and what we’ve achieved Four speakers – one each from STOP HS2, AGAHST, HS2AA and 51M will outline what the campaign has achieved over the past 3 years. The local MP Jeremy Lefroy will chair the session. Penny Gaines,Deanne DuKhan,Richard Houghton,Bob Stevens
12.00 -12.45 3. The impact of HS2 on the natural environment Identifying the impact that HS2 will have on the natural environment and noting how this is or is not recognised by HS2Ltd. Guy Corbett-Marshall(Staffs Wildlife Trust), Nikki Williams/ Oliver Newham (Woodland Trust)
12.00 -12.45 4. Social media campaigning for beginners (Repeat 18) Social Media is an easy way to contribute to the campaign in your own time, and makes a vital difference. This will be an introductory session on using twitter and facebook to get the Stop HS2 message to the wider country. Keri Brennan and Lottie Jones (Hillingdon and Ruislip)
12.00 -12.45 5. Compensation advice from a professional (repeat 26) What compensation is available to houses, farms, businesses, landlords and tenants and how can you be successful in getting it. James Del Mar (Head of Knight Frank HS2 team)
12.00 -12.45 6. Fundraising (repeat 20) Tips on ways to organise and improve your fundraising. Richard Dyott, Sara Dyott (Whittington and Lichfield), Deirdre Vernon (Burton Green), Stan Mason (Amersham)
12.00 -12.45 7. Talking to HS2 Ltd: Freedom of Information requests (FOIs) Freedom of Information requests can be a very useful tool to find out what Government and HS2Ltd know. We will tell you how to submit FOIs and how to chase up for a response. Paul Thornton (Burton Green)
12.00 -12.45 8. Working with your local Council How to work effectively with your council, members and officers, to oppose HS2. Mike Coker (Cons. Cllr Warwick District)
12.00 -12.45 9. Economic case – Jobs, N/S, social equity, winners and losers If you want to know why HS2 is an extraordinarily expensive way to create jobs; why it will reinforce the dominance of London and the South East over the rest of the country; and why it should not be part of a progressive social agenda, this is the session for you. Mike Geddes(Offchurch and Hon Prof Warwick)
2.00 – 2.45 10. What rail really needs The alternative to HS2: effective investment in UK rail infrastructure across the UK. Jerry Marshall (Burton Green)
2.00 – 2.45 11. A victim’s view of HS2 noise One of the key concerns of people who live, work and visit the countryside near the HS2 line is the impact of the noise. This is a very technical subject but here you will get a description of HS2Ltd’s and the Government’s attitudes to noise impact and mitigation; how noise is and should be measured; and how noise issues have been treated by the national campaign. Peter Delow (Cubbington)
2.00 – 2.45 12. Using the media to reach HS2 decision makers Ideas for working with the media on your side – press, radio and TV. Richard Houghton (HS2AA)
2.00 – 2.45 13. The Parliamentary process including the Preparation and Hybrid Bills Here is an MP who will describe the many parliamentary processes relevant to HS2 and how to intervene effectively in them. Bill Cash (MP for Stone)
2.00 – 2.45 14. Talking to HS2: Community Forums, and Consultations This session will expand on our experience of Community Forums and HS2 consultations. It will make some suggestions about surviving the negative moments as well as offer you suggestions on making encounters more effective. Keri Brennan and Lottie Jones(Hillingdon, Ruislip)
2.00 – 2.45 15. HS2 impacts on farming landowners and tenants Those in farming face huge impacts from HS2. This session will be aimed at informing and supporting them. Fred Moreton (Offchurch), Rob Davies (Middleton)
2.00 – 2.45 16. What can individuals do? If you are not in an Action Group, how can you help the campaign? Joe Rukin (Campaign Manager STOP HS2)
3.00 – 3.45 17. Politicians Questions and Answers on HS2 A panel of politicians to debate the issues around HS2 and to face your questions. (Double session with 24).Jerry Marshall will chair the session. Mike Nattrass (UKIP MEP EU Transport Committee), Will Duckworth (Deputy Leader Green Party), Bill Cash (Conservative MP Stone).
3.00 – 3.45 18. Social media campaigning for beginners (4 repeat) Social Media is an easy way to contribute to the campaign in your own time, and makes a vital difference. This will be a introductory session on using twitter and facebook to get the Stop HS2 message to the wider country. Penny Gaines(Chair STOP HS2)
3.00 – 3.45 19. The campaign strategy on compensation Early on the campaign decided to fight to stop HS2 as well as for fair compensation – a dual track strategy. This session will tell you what we have been fighting for and how we have been doing it. Richard Houghton (HS2AA)
3.00 – 3.45 20. Fundraising (6 repeat) Tips on ways to organise and improve your fundraising. Richard Dyott, Sara Dyott (Whittington), Stan Mason (Amersham)
3.00 – 3.45 21. International comparisons Government says that we need HS2 because we need ‘to catch up with Europe’. This session will suggest the bits that we do need to catch up with (the Swiss model!) and the bits that we don’t. Madeleine Wahlberg (Offchurch)
3.00 – 3.45 22. Response to the Draft Environmental Statement consultation This session will give you guidance on responding to some key aspects of the consultation on the Environmental Statement (ES) such as how to refine your messages, understand where the problems lie and give you insights into what a good response should look like. Everyone should respond as this Phase 1 ES will determine the Phase 2 ES later. Frances Winder (Woodland Trust), John Clarkson (Nottingham Trent University)
3.00 – 3.45 23. Fiddling the figures (contd. 29) How HS2 hides the reality of a weak and debt ridden business case John Savin (Wendover)
4.00 – 4.45 24. Politicians Questions and Answers on HS2 (17 contd)
4.00 – 4.45 25. Organising for mitigation How an Action Group can prepare for mitigation including tunnels, and some of the organisational and political pitfalls of fighting for mitigation. Brian Adams (Ickenham)
4.00 – 4.45 26. Compensation advice from a professional (repeat 5) What compensation is available to houses, farms, businesses, landlords and tenants and how can you be successful in getting it. James Del Mar (Head of Knight Frank HS2 team)
4.00 – 4.45 27. Refreshing the Campaign – your ideas This will be an ‘open microphone’ session for you to bring your ideas for improvements and new directions for the campaign. Madeleine Wahlberg and Mike Geddes (Offchurch)
4.00 – 4.45 28. What do Action Groups do? Sharing experience of how action groups are organised and ways in which they work effectively. Roger Waller (Dunsmore), Jim Conboy (Chesham), Archie Taylor (Burton Green), John Heeler (Whittington and Lichfield)(Phase 1 Action groups)
4.00 – 4.45 29. Debt and the HS2 business case – your questions (23 contd.) A question and answer opportunity following on from the previous session. John Savin (Wendover)
5.00 – 5.30 30. Where do we go from here? So what is next for the campaign? Joe Rukin (Campaign Manager STOP HS2)
all day Your topic? The Yorkshire suite is available all day for anyone to book for any reason – see information desk. You and your invitees?
Exhibition, stands All stands are related to HS2 – come and network here. The stands will be shut for a break 12.00 -12.45; and after 3.00 unless there is continuing demand.
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