Justine Greening, the Secretary of State for Transport who is pushing through plans for the controversial HS2 train line, has failed to even acknowledge two letters from North Warwickshire Borough Council inviting her to see the extent of the devastation it will cause in the area.
The snub was revealed by Cllr Mick Stanley, Leader of North Warwickshire Borough Council, at the AGM of the Polesworth & District Stop HS2 Action Group. Cllr Stanley expressed his disappointment that Ms Greening had not visited the borough and did not appear willing to engage in discussion with those negatively affected by the plans for the ultra high speed train line.
Her failure to visit is even more surprising given that the June 2012 board minutes for HS2 Ltd state that Justine Greening spent 4 days visiting the Leeds Manchester Heathrow route.
North Warwickshire will be home to both phase 1 and phase 2 of HS2 having the “Delta Junction” into and out of Birmingham at Water Orton and the Leeds Y route junction in the Curdworth-Lea Marston area. It is to be one of the worst affected areas in the country with up to 23 miles of track carving through this rural borough.
Local MP Dan Byles has stated that the HS2 proposals for HS2 are devastating for the area and pledged at the AGM to talk to Ms Greening about her failure to reply. She will also be receiving a third letter of invitation from the borough council. The Council estimates that 5000 properties and businesses will be affected by HS2.
Please, considering how much the fares are going up whatr would be an ordinary full price single from Birmingham to London, and a return?
Who would be able to afford these prices?
What “bracket” of passengers is this fare aimed at?
What will happen to the fares on the slower West Costas Mainline, that will see increased stops – will those fares be reduced so people with less money travel on there – on what wil then be the “Second Class Railway”?
Who will bid to run this “second class railway”?
Would it be possible to publish a large scale map with the proposed route superimposed so that the implications can be seen clearly?