A new video for the Oak Tree Lament
At Christmas, we launched the ‘Oak Tree Lament’, the Stop HS2 protest song. We knew that we’d be up against it in the Christmas Charts, but believe it or not, we actually got to numbers 1 & 2 in the HMV Chart.
Stop HS2 will get around 35% of sales revenue to be used for future campaigning.
If you can, before you buy the track, please email your MP telling them why HS2 is a bad idea via our easy to use tool
You can also send gift copies by email to your friends and family and even your MP! – anyone you have an email address for. Multiple purchases only get disqualified under chart rules if you use the same method of payment on the same website for a personal (not gift) download.
Besides buying the track, we hope you can forward this information as far and wide as you can by email and social media.
HMV 79p per track.
Amazon 69p per track.
7 Digital 99p per track or £1.59 the pair
Play.com 99p per track
iTunes 79p per track.
You can order the track for download to your computer by texting TRACK 7655 to 80818 (Costs £1). You will then get a password to download it from the text a track website. You can also order the track for download direct to your mobile phone (not iPhone) by texting TRACK 7655 m to 80818. Costs will vary depending on your data download plan.