There’s two HS2 related events coming up in the Houses of Parliament in the next fortnight: have you asked your MP whether they are going to them?
On the 21st November, Justine Greening has arranged to meet MPs about HS2. She organised the meeting because so many MPs who are concerned about HS2 have asked to see her. We’ve been told it’s MPs only – not even their staff can go – and that is open to all MPs, even if they don’t have constituencies on the route.
On the following Monday, 28th November, we’re having a Lobby Day for MPs – and their constituents – to find out more about why HS2 is a bad project for the nation.
It’s going to be chaired by Andrea Leadsom, MP, with speakers including Geoffrey Robinson MP, Steve Rodrick, from the Chilterns Conservation Board, and Jerry Marshall from Agahst. More information to come…
It’s vital that as many MPs as possible go to these events, especially if they don’t have constituencies on the route.
If you haven’t aready told your MP, why not email them now? There’s a handy tool at
And if you have told them already, why not email them and ask if they are going?