The anti HS2 campaign has had good coverage in the Telegraph this weekend.
On Saturday, Julian Smyth-Osbourne of HS2 Action Alliance listed some of the reasons for opposing HS2. The online article has over 150 comments – you can join in the discussion at the end of the article.
And on Sunday, they listed some of the high level MPs who are opposed to HS2. These include Cheryl Gillan, David Liddington, and Jeremy Wright. Other MPs who are not in favour include John Bercow who featured in the very first news item on our website.
(We have a full list of MPs with constituencies on the London-Birmingham stretch – here)
Our congratulations to Julian for his article, and our thanks to all the MPs who are working in Parliament on our behalf.
But most of all, thank you to all of you, the people who are making HS2 a political issue. By writing to the papers, contacting your MPs, wearing the T-shirts, putting up posters and doing all the other things you are doing you are all helping our MPs lobby their colleagues effectively.
Without you, we wouldn’t have a campaign.