Petition: Urgently Suspend Felling at Jones Hill Wood

The Jones’ Hill Wood Earth Protectors write:

Felling is happening at record speed in Jones’ Hill Wood and this is our last chance to stop it. We need you to help us.

Court papers have been lodged challenging the licensing decision and regulatory failure by Natural England at Jones’ Hill Wood, an ancient woodland currently being destroyed by HS2. These papers are marked as urgent and the judge has been appealed to suspend felling until the case is heard. HS2 are determined to do as much damage as possible before a Stop Order comes in.


The Jones’ Hill Wood Earth Protectors have launched a petition to Andrew Stephenson, the Minister for Transport, to urgently suspend felling until the court can decide if the work is legal or not. Please sign it and share widely. Public opinion and exposure is key. We’re close to reaching 3,000 signatures, [it’s now over 5000] but we need at least 10,000!


Alongside this, we are launching a mass email campaign to Andrew Stephenson ( Please email the Minister for Transport demanding that he halts destruction at Jones’ Hill Wood until the court case is fully heard. Keep the email concise and personal. You can include the following information:
  • Natural England has issued a license to kill despite a clear lack of sufficient wildlife surveys and mitigation measures needed to ensure the Favourable Conservation Status of protected species including barbastelle bats (present at the woodland).
  • Felling and destruction of evidence of potential wildlife crime is happening at an unprecedented rate, with felled trees being put into the wood chipper almost immediately after being cut down.
  • The ancient woodland is of utmost importance: besides being home to precious biodiversity during a climate and ecological emergency, it has huge cultural significance, having inspired Roald Dahl to write Fantastic Mr Fox.
  • Earth Protectors on site defending the woodland have been facing unjustified intimidation tactics and violent behaviour from HS2 workers and contractor firms.
Most importantly, keep your email personal and express how you feel about the heartless destruction taking place right now. Ask that it is STOPPED IMMEDIATELY.

HS2 preparing to destroy evidence of felling JonesHillWood

4 comments to “Petition: Urgently Suspend Felling at Jones Hill Wood”
  1. There will not be a cost benefit of even £0.50 in my estimation as a work study enginrer, now retired, it is very unlikely we will not need more capacit for commuting or a desire for faster travel at increased cost, if we take into account the devastation caused to woods, Nature reserves and countryside let alone general destruction most people will avoid using this already outdated scheme, it is such appalling Vandalism into the bargain, if extravagantly were needed them at rather much less cost or damage the former Great Ventral Line could be reinstated to great benefit!

  2. I think it should be noted that the Lord him self has said “them that destroy the earth I will destroy them also” or as near as to the quotation, how will he do this? Well it seems they will be judged on the day and if found to be wanting a place in the eternal lake of fire is alocated for them, so if it is true for them that ” ruin the earth” a huge price will be paid by them, so saith the Lord.

  3. Dear Andrew,
    I am devastated to hear about the loss of ancient woodlands and wildlife habitats that the HS2 project is causing, not least at Jones Hill Wood. I believe the HS2 project to be a huge costly mistake in both financial and ecological terms. I would urge you to halt the destruction of Jones Hill Wood immediately. There are far more worthy construction projects needed in the UK in a post-pandemic world, for example flood defences and housing.

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