Jones Hill Wood, Natural England, HS2 and Bat Licences

“HS2 have been issued the licence which allows them to destroy bat roosts in Jones’ Hill Wood. This allows felling of the wood we hold so dear. We believe however the licence is not legally issued, and are looking at our options.”

Another Day, Another Load of Wanton Environmental Destruction from HS2 Ltd

The BBC report from to Leather Lane and Jones Hill Wood. Locals came along to watch what was happening at Leather Lane, organising a Toot your Salute to the oak trees as they drove past. the report includes an interview with Jim Ashton who lives by Leather Lane, the trees on which the AONB authorities are trying at least in part to save, with there being a petition to sign here. Mark Keir was interview from Jones Hill Wood, where campaigners are expecting an eviction soon.

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