With the second reading of the HS2 Phase 2a bill, people affected by it have until Monday 26th February at 5pm to petition at the website https://beta.parliamen t.uk/petition-a-hybrid-bill/1
Petitioning is the way in which people who are directly affected by HS2 can ask Parliament to make changes.
This can now be done online, making it much easier to petition on Phase 2 than Phase 1. At least Parliament listened to us on the process!
For details on how to petition please read the guidance on Parliament’s website here – https://www.parliament.uk/bu siness/committees/committees- a-z/commons-select/high-speed- rail-west-midlands-crewe-bill- select-committee-commons/news- /petition-template-and- guidance-hs2-committee-17-19/
Remember, if you want to be able to object to provisions in the bill, you have to petition now: https://beta.parliament. uk/petition-a-hybrid-bill/1
Having seen where HS2 is going to be built I do not know how they can sleep in their beds at night.