The HS2 Phase 1 Hybrid Bill has now received Royal Assent on Thursday 23rd February.
Joe Rukin, Stop HS2 Campaign Manager responded:
“HS2 getting the go-ahead is a triumph of spin over evidence-based policy, as the construction industry who have lobbied hard and completely fabricated the case for HS2 get what they want, the right to build their own gravy train with taxpayers money. Over the years, we have seen the costs of HS2 spiral as HS2 Ltd staff, many of whom are on secondment from construction firms, have happily allowed those same firms to keep going over budget, and this will get worse and worse as they are allowed to run their own kleptocracy.”
“It is a sad indictment on modern day politics that we have won all the arguments on HS2, every poll has shown increasing public opposition to this white elephant, and all the independent reports from experts have labelled HS2 a boondoggle, but we are stuck with it because vested interest groups lobbied for it and created political momentum which made it too embarrassing to cancel. Quite simply this is a terrible project which will not deliver on it’s promises, come in years late, miles over budget, create havoc during construction and has disastrous environmental consequences. The fight against Phase 2 of HS2 will continue, but on Phase 1, as all these things come to pass, all we can look forward to is saying ‘We told you so’.”
Penny Gaines, chair of Stop HS2 added:
“The fundamental problem with HS2 is that the case for it has never been examined properly. So many times during the process of HS2 through Parliament, the government has said that the case will be examined later. And yet that has never actually happened.
“During the passage of the Bill there has been a huge growth in alternative ways of thinking about transport, just as we have been saying all along. Now the Department for Transport want technology firms like Google involved in HS2 to produce new ideas about the passenger experience. But what has actually happened is the Government is planning to spend many billions of taxpayers’ money on a speeded up version of nineteenth century technology.”
“In the Northern Powerhouse area, people are talking about the need for east-west links, rather then another route to London. Even with Royal Assent, it’s not too late to cancel HS2 and look at the real transport needs of the country.”
HS2 are very unprepared for construction of sections. Not sufficient preparation and disconnects between contractors and the Hybrid Bill suggest chaos and who will lose out. You will. Stop the Start and ensure your council raise injunctions for missing details please.
My guess is that the demolitions will take place, the sprawling compounds will spring up (in Harefield we will have everything between London and the Chilterns (powestations, mountanous spoil dumps, portacabin villages full of yellow jacket navies, concrete tunnel and viaduct section fabrication works, the longest tallest viaduct and it’s launch compound, road closures and realignments affecting 4 out of 6 access routes into our village, The Chiltern tunnel bore launch and the Northolt tunnel bore launch, rip down and rerouting of pylons, new ‘temporary’ haul roads, our beautiful colne valley park, churned up, carpet bombed and bisected and untold lorry movements over what few already congested little roads we have left open) )…..and then, no sooner than it started (say 2 years in) at the peak of the big mess …there will be a sudden pannic…..brexit won’t be going so well….the whole thing will be abandoned (postponed indefinitely) leaving heaps of rubble and mothballed compounds……And where once there was beauty shall we have mud dust and derilict construction waste sites……that will be the legacy……and the culprits?. …..gone (with the loot)…….There is even a risk of irreversable diruption to the affinity Chiltern chalk drinking water aquifirs, depriving thousands of residents of drinking water……..How did this happen? ……two words: greed and apathy
Thank you to those who have and will continue to try to stop this abomination that is HS2.I keep hoping that right will win over the might of the wealthy pushing for it.Our M.P.s for the most part have fed us to these wolves .Sadly when we have traffic jams across the country for years to come it will be little comfort to say I told you so.
So do something about it. Stop moaning and cause some disruption.
Get the north to visit the south, then placing themselves on one of the construction sites.
Sort it out or be the governments bitch, do you like being their whores.
Yet another example of the widening gap between Parliament and the will of the people. HS2 will certainly be a success at taking taxpayer billions on a fast ride.
Just imagine what else we could have done but I guess we get the MPs we deserve!
It’s a triumph of common sense over the lies and misinformation put out by a bunch of hysterical naysayers and journalists. Finally we can get on with it.
My heart goes out today to everyone who will experience hardship and misery as a result of the High Speed 2 railway. Many don’t even know the negative impact that this project is going to have on their lives.
Today there will also be those who are gloating at the passing of this through Royal Assent; popping bottles of expensive champagne, gleeful that their wealthy existences are now secured through the hard work of the tax payer.
Seven years of reading and learning about HS2 has taught me a great deal about the country I was born to and love. Sadly it has also awakened me to matters of state and has made me deeply concerned for our future. I now realise that:
– many who govern our country ignore what the public want and really need.
– HS2 is more important, and worth getting the country more indebted for, than education, health and welfare, crime prevention and national security.
– it is acceptable for people in high places to sing their own praises, line their own pockets, and to go against professional expert advice in the process of getting what they want.
I have also learned that ‘billion’ sounds too much like ‘million’, when it is actually a gargantuan sum in comparison.
My photos from Combe Hill across Aylesbury’s green and pleasant Vale and my thick HS2 files and related poetry will now be archived as an historical family memoir.
Driving along badly pot-holed roads, I realise just how important HS2 is.
We have got to where we are today due to deception, arrogance and suppression of truths .
What we are left with is a bill for, maybe, £200bn.+. Look for Hammond to produce some creative accounting in the next Budget.
However you look at it it stinks. Grayling can say what he likes, but he cannot deny that there is maybe 15% public support for this nonsense. It will always remain risible, and should be a stain on the conscience, if they have one, of the politicians who have pushed it.