Burton Mail: Hundreds of concerned residents pack out meeting over HS2 route in North West Leicestershire
Sheffield Star: Flooding fears stopped Sheffield getting HS2 line
The Guardian: HS2 accused of brainwashing schoolchildren on high-speed rail route
LBC: HS2 Euston Hub May Not Be Viable, LBC Discovers
New Civil Engineer” HS2 boss fires Euston public realm warning (Note, Given he is chair of HS2 Ltd, Higgins has had the opportunity to ensure that Euston had the kinds of plans he says he wants.)
Mix 96: HS2 ‘hotline’ set up for MPs – Mix 96
Evening Standard: HS2 demolition work to disrupt Christmas Day peace in Camden
New Civil Engineer: New HS2 chief exec in place by mid next year
Rail Technology Magazine: DfT to extend West Coast franchise until 2019 ahead of new WCP
IT has all the hallmarks to be halted but sadly those that can have their heads in the sand and another year of stress and upset is about to hit the people of Britain who work hard and just want a decent life .
Once again I want to thank all those who work to try to halt this abomination and i wish that at least for a few days you
may be able to enjoy Christmas and may a miracle happen in the new year, when those who oppress us wake up and realise the horror that they are inflicting on the countryside.
How do they keep a straight face!!!
HS2 minister Andrew Jones said: ‘HS2 is doing more than any other major project to protect the environment and leave as little trace as possible.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4063292/Seven-million-trees-planted-HS2-train-route-including-Britain-s-endangered-native-species.html#ixzz4Tl552uiG
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Surely HS2 has all the hallmarks to be halted. No public wide passion. Not able to make money for the nation or a franchise. Too expensive to operate. Who will be able to achieve the halt and change please.