Earlier this autumn, the Spectator ran a competition for poems about HS2. They published them in last week’s edition, but the winning entries are also online here. My favourite was by George Simmers:
There’s a thunder down the line at eleven fifty nine,
And there’ll be another due at twelve o-six.
Yes, several times each hour a train of massive power
Is hurtling busy townies through the sticks,
And leering through the glass of a window in first class
(At meadows trashed and woodlands bulldozed flat)
Is a vicious tabby gent claiming dubious descent
From Skimbleshanks, the famous Railway Cat.
His moggy grin is mirthless, mocking dwellings rendered worthless
By the track that’s scarred the centre of the nation.
Skimble Junior (‘Call me Skimby!’) hisses scorn for every nimby
Who’s inclined to sob at rural devastation.
There’s no mercy in his features for otters or such creatures
Who have lost their fine and ancient habitat.
‘Businessmen demand a beeline!’ mews this hard efficient feline,
Skimble Junior, the modern high-speed cat.
Here in Hillingdon we don’t want HS2 or a third runway!
Who are the nimbys now with the third runway at Heathrow being delayed due to there being two previous transport MInisters not wanted it on there patch it’s a pity they did not act for all the people affected by hs2 instead of just name calling them .I wonder if the same compension will be offered if let goes ahead .l bet the two ministers will be pushing for a far better scheme that they did for all the home owners along the hs2 route the whole thing just stinks .They just make it up to suit themselves