On Tuesday 4th November, Stop HS2 will be appearing as a witness to the House of Lords Economic Select Committee inquiry into HS2.
You can download the Stop HS2 submission to the Inquiry here:
On Tuesday 4th November, Stop HS2 will be appearing as a witness to the House of Lords Economic Select Committee inquiry into HS2.
You can download the Stop HS2 submission to the Inquiry here:
Just read the House of Lords submission and thought it were bloody fantastic.Well done Joe and anyone else who had a hand in it.
it reads well,clear and gets all the points well and truly home.
Thank you
The consultation response can emphasise where you or your Parish or land is being abused for HS2’s needs in a specific location or situation. There are a number of people who now find they are being discriminated against compared to others where HS2 did not mitigate by relocating the route or tunnel sections or longer viaducts once this was identified in 2010/2011 or later.
The consultation can add factors within the Environmental Statement scope and including welfare and health and property damage and loss of value. The consultation response can claim some factors that are obvious to you should have been in the additional provisions such as the lower voltage overhead lines and poles, the water main and the gas pipe to your village, property or school.
The Volume 5 maps are not comprehensive for all the impacts such as road safety and either do not address this clearly or have not accounted for the impacts of a stated additional provision on an associated one such as the pylon work crossing roads or near schools where extra congestion and danger arises.
HS2 text can be copied from pdf versions and words changed to reflect the real impacts. HS2 spoonfeeds MPs with understatements and omisssions of impacts and forgotten further changes. It is possible people are being paid to withdraw petition issues. Your consultation inputs are needed by the 14th November midnight. HS2 disenfranchises 1 million to create urban development along route 3 phase 1 from Boris in Ruislip to William in Warwick. Use the consultation to record your disagreement and vote later to change the MPs whos group think has harmed the future of the route residents and all those 1 million along the watford to coventry corridor whose rail services will become time warped and degraded as money subsidises mainly business travellers paid for by tax payers and commuters.
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