HS2 Ltd have today published a letter sent to them by Philip Hammond, Secretary of State for Transport. The letter extends their remit and describes some of the work he now wants them to do.
By the end of August, the Secretary of State wants HS2 to have developed route options for a direct high speed link to Heathrow. In addition he wants them to assess ways of connecting HS1 and HS2.
It is his intention, he says, that HS2 should be in a position to “consult on the route between London and the West Midlands early in the New Year.”
Also, by July the Secretary of State also wants to have a high level assessment of the the comparative business cases for extending the network beyond Birmingham to Manchester, and possibly Leeds.
There are many different things that a Stop HS2 campaign needs to be doing. Preparing for these reports and consultations is one part of that – and the campaign needs your help to do it.