Get West London reported last week that Nick Clegg had been to the Hillingdon Outdoor Activity Centre, which is due to be destroyed by HS2.
Although he was apparently asked about HS2, he didn’t answer any questions about it, prompting some local anger.
This is not the first time Nick Clegg and his staff have ducked the HS2 question. In 2011, when Joe Rukin took the Stop HS2 white elephant to Nick Clegg’s office, staff there refused to even answer the doorbell.
It looks like something is going on here with Higgins implying HS2 is a lame duck without paying more for some people to bail him out. People are likely to suspect, and with good reason, that if something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and looks like a duck, chances are that it in fact is a duck. There are have been Dead Ducks in the Case in the Supreme Court. The MPs ducked the shortcomings in HS2 Route 3 which has not been shot down by too many blanks from local MPs. Will Farage become the National gamekeeper to ensure better protection of the local people and the environment and will Clegg be caught out.
Many of those close to the decision making have closed their ears to the voices of those who are appealing against it: A quick poem to sum it up:
Come hell or high water we’re going to build,
Right through your hillside, your lake and your field,
It’s not our concern that you’re going to lose,
All those things that you love, that you own, that you use,
Our vision’s set firmly in concrete and steel,
So we’re bound not to listen to your pleas of appeal,
Whatever is there, in the way of our route,
Will be gone from your lives and we don’t give a hoot!
Is the HS2 line going through Meriden. I need to know as I would like to purchase a home in this village, however, wouldn’t if this was the case. Please contact me via e mail.