Deadline for Individual Petitions is May 23rd

The deadline for petitions on Phase 1 of HS2 for farms, local action groups, business associations and private individuals is 2pm on 23rd May.

Several groups have organised workshops to help people petition.

Kenilworth Stop HS2 group have a petitioning workshop at Kenilworth Sports and Social Club (WMC) on Upper Rosemary Hill from 4-7pm this Sunday, 18th May.

Camden council have a workshop on Monday 19 May 2 – 8pm, Events room, Swiss Cottage Library, 88 Avenue Road, NW3 3HA.

On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week, there are drop-in sessions between 10am and 4pm at Chiltern Council Offices, King George V House, King George V Road, Amersham, HP16 5AW

For the purpose of delivering petitions, Joe Rukin has agreed to act as the agent for anyone who gets a petition to him by noon on Thursday 22nd May. If you want Joe to act as your agent, you will have to complete the form authorising him to do so, as well as provide your petition, the cover sheet and the £20 and get it to 2 Caesar Road, Kenilworth, CV8 1DL by midday on Thursday.

We have a range of articles and advice on our website

If you are expect to be affected by the operation or construction of HS2, you have the right to petition Parliament about it. We know about people who live a considerable distance from the route who are petitioning.

Given that even supporters of HS2, like Birmingham City council and Centro are petitioning and complaining about slow information from HS2 Ltd, we’d really encourage everyone affected to petition.


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2 comments to “Deadline for Individual Petitions is May 23rd”
  1. Well it took a day to do it but we handed a petition in for Joe Rukin to take to London.I do so hope some sanity prevails and although a lot of stress and £20 have gone into it ,that it helps to improve,even in a small way the devastation that awaits us if it goes ahead.

  2. Glory glory for the petitioners who will save their homes farms and villages from the miatakes of hs2 and cameron and clegg with miliband. Keep the petitions getting to the heartt of the problem in Westminster. Where have all the sensible people gone. Keep producing the petitions in these crucial days please.

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