The HS2 Phase 1 Hybrid Bill will be voted on tomorrow – please come to our demonstration between 12-2pm at Old Palace Yard, opposite the Houses of Parliament (Monday).
Richard Houghton from HS2 Action Alliance and Geoff Inskip from Centro interviewed by Andrew Pierce on LBC Radio, London, 26th April 2014.
A bit more about the Telegraph article, from the BBC News paper review:
The proposed HS2 is obscene and completely ignores the human cost. The route covers a fraction of what is, after all, only part of this small island. We are desperately short of housing, yet thousands of homes, and villages will be destroyed. Where are the displaced population meant to go? People are more important than the inflated egos and selfishness of a handful of politicians and businessmen. If money is to be spent it should be to upgrade and expand the existing network. Democracy, what democracy when most of the population have said a big NO NO NO.
It looks like the only way is UKIP to stop the hs2 project lets all hope they take on the establishment and make them drop this when they win all the seats along the route lets all vote for them and give them pushing for hs2 bloody nose in the general election
How wrong is milliband clegg and cameron and co to waste so much on a poorly planned and aligned route for fewer passengers than will be on ecml and wcml. Massive mistake by several people for unknown selfish reasons. A failure of democratic parliament in hands of too few and no objective depth to mistakes you have identified. Poor outcome of Yes votes with little real care. Route 3 is wrong alignment and wrong proposal for the network.