And today in Parliament

Image of the Houses of Parliament
Today HS2 will officially be discussed in three places in the Houses of Parliament, although they are unlikely to...

From the Archives – views on the HS1 link, 18 months ago

In March 2014, Sunday Politics covered the news that the HS1 rail link might be dropped from the HS2 proposals. Then Transport Minister, Baroness Kramer suggested it could be replaced by a travelator.

Without the link, passengers will not be able to travel directly from the Midlands & North to mainland Europe as promised.
Sunday Politics, BBC1 London, 23rd March 2014

(18 months on, it looks like the link will be formally dropped from the plans.)

Scottish report delays

Chamber of Scottish Parlaiment
Speaking in Glasgow yesterday, Keith Brown MSP, revealed that yet another report into HS2 is taking its time for...

Don’t Ruin Me – HS2 protest song

“Have you got a point to make, Game to play, Bones to move…
…Don’t Ruin Me”

Large parts of the beautiful English countryside featured in this video will be destroyed by HS2…. is it something that you need?

Music written and performed by John Bonney
Photographs by Keith Hoffmeister & members of HS2 action groups.

Everyday Transport or HS2?

Up until now, supporters of HS2 have tended to be unconcerned about effects of HS2 on Department for Transport spending on local transport, claiming...
2010-2023 © STOP HS2 – The national campaign against High Speed Rail 2