HS2 phase 1: 33 ancient woods condemned? From the Woodland Trust. With the imminent release of the draft Environmental Statement for the London to Birmingham phase...
Wildlife Devastation of HS2 revealed An investigation by theĀ Independent on Sunday has revealed that HS2 threatens 350 unique habitats, 50...
The wrong type of leaves (again) Trees and HS2 have hit the headlines again at the weekend. We’ve been in touch with Steve Rodrick,...
HS2 & Ancient Woodland – No problem, just dump it in the next field! Campaigners have been left in even more bemusement than usual at the ineptitude of the latest plan concerning HS2,...
The HS2 threat to Ancient Woodland A few months ago, when theĀ government announced plans to sell off Forestry Commission land, there was a huge...
The wrong type of leaves A few days ago, the government tried to create some green credentials for Hs2, by announcing a plan at...