HS2 Ltd’s Property and Compensation Consultation Information Events The dates of the HS2 Ltd Information Days on the Property and Compensation Consultation were posted to their...
Stop HS2 activities this weekend in Warwickshire Several local HS2 Action Groups are planning activities on the weekend of 20th/21st October – do pop along to...
Some Stop HS2 Events Coming Up As well as the HS2 Ltd Community Forums coming up in the next few weeks, various local Stop HS2...
Yet another cock-up from HS2 Ltd. UPDATE AT BOTTOM Dear HS2 Ltd, I have seen the feedback from last nights HS2 Community Forum...
HS2 Ltd ask man, four years dead, why he has not replied to them. The family of a man who committed suicide four years ago have been left in shock after HS2 Ltd...
CAMPAIGNERS ‘MARCH IN MARCH’ TO OPPOSE HS2 Stop HS2 campaigners in Warwickshire, Buckinghamshire and London will be marking the second anniversary of the announcement of HS2...
HS2 Consultation Roadshows -June 6th -11th Reminder about this coming week’s HS2 Consultation roadshows: June 6th, 2011 Cubbington Mobile Exhibition Location: Cubbington Sports and...
Labour MP to speak at STOP HS2 Fundraiser LABOUR MP TO SPEAK AT STOP HS2 FUNDRAISER Geoffrey Robinson MP, (Labour Coventry North West) is to address Stop...
STOPHS2 White Elephant Party & Fundraiser 19.00 14 January 2011 PLEASE JOIN US! Meriden Manor Hotel The STOP HS2 White Elephant Party and Fundraiser on Friday January 14th is a networking...
Maria Eagle at Burton Green Maria Eagle, Shadow Transport Secretary, made a stop at Burton Green on her tour of the area affected...