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Manifesto Watch: Labour

Labour logo
We’re still waiting for the main manifesto from the big thee political parties, but last week the Labour party...

Stop HS2 response to the Lords report on HS2

The great thing about going on BCB Radio is that while interviews with them are few and far between, when they do ask Stop HS2 on, they always give us a fair bit of time to make our point. Here is what we had to say about the Lords Economic Affairs Committee Report on HS2.

Happy Easter!

Westminster Hall Debate

One of the last debates which happened before Parliament closed was on HS2. Here are the highlights. Tags: ...

Cheshire HS2 Meeting

£50bn - After HS2
Mid Cheshire Against HS2, who recently set fire to a mock up of £50 billion pounds to demonstrate the...

North Warwickshire HS2 Hustings

Stop HS2 pre-election window stickers
The parliamentary constituency of Warwickshire North is the number one target for the Labour Party in the upcoming General...