Following on from the Judicial Review, which found the original consultation on compensation had been “so unfair as to unlawful”, the government are repeating the Phase 1 consultation, with it closing on December 4th. Details can be found here.
Peter Delow at HS2 and the Environment has been running a series of articles on the consultation. These are full of information, and if you are writing a fuller response, you should see what he has to say.
The articles are:
- Time to sharpen your pencil, again
- Matters of principle
- A nettle that has not been grasped
- Fair is foul, and foul is fair
- Only the name has been changed
- Counting the pennies
- Swapping the deeds for a rent book
- Simply not good enough
- Reaching the wrong conclusion
- Drawing the line somewhere
- If you think that, why don’t you do it?
- At least I’m listening
See also Compensation Consultation – Tricks of the Trade.
Your local action group has quick response postcards available, please contact them if you want some.
Pingback: STOP HS2 | Property Consultation finishes on Wednesday
I read in today’s times that with some Tories are to vote against hs2 he will need labour MPs to help him get his project through .Labour should think very hard before they back hs2 as they could pick up a lot of votes from people along the route which could make the difference in them winning the next general election
Required is a stock take on the loss of houses, community losses and the loss of businesses along phase 1 Route 3. The aggegate impact on the homes and businesses is required to present to the petitioning. The total compensation log is required and there may be people as dedicated as Peter has been to formulate the stock take which DFT HS2 and consultants/land estate organisation may have in part. Perhaps a group could work with the Parish, District and County Councils to produce the log from the Environmental Statement. The impacts on communities and homes are important. For the ES response and the Petitioning. There is a petering out currently in some areas as people are getting daunted. Time to increase the resourcing for producing the aggregate stock takes please.