Environmental Statement Consultation ends next Thursday

The consultations on the HS2 Phase 1 draft Environmental Statement, draft Code of Construction Practice and Design Refinement all finish next Thursday, 11th July.

Stop HS2 think that the Environmental Statement produced so far is wholly inadequate. In many areas, there is missing data: data and maps which have been produced for one are not also being produced for other areas (eg see Environmental Consultation: it’s not a game, but we have other examples, such as missing lorry route maps). This view is shared by other organisations, such as the Woodland Trust.

Stop HS2 think that the best way of protecting the envinronment is to scrap HS2 entirely as soon as possible. However, we also think it is important that as many people as possible take part in the current consultations. Without world class mitigation, HS2 will not be a world class railway.

We think there are questions over noise, vibration, light pollution, missing data, important local features and wildlife, woodland, wildlife habitats…

Great Missenden Stop HS2 group are holding g a Drop-in Consultation Information and Advice session next Saturday, 6 July, in the Memorial Hall from 11am – 2pm. There will be information from a range of organisations and people on hand to help with responses. Also copies of the official response form as well as the instant response cards.

For a quick response form, please see the Woodland Trust’s website, they also have a number of factsheets to help. A factsheet on noise can be dowloaded from Peter Delow’s excellent HS2 and the Environment blog.

Some people may have received response forms through the post from HS2AA: please use these, unless you are submitting a longer response (only one response per person will be used).

Remember, there is more than one consultation going on at the moment. As one of the emails sent by HS2 Ltd this morning says (with their usual lack of attention to detail, HS2 Ltd’s email to community forum members used the date “11 July 2011”):

Good morning,

You will recall that I wrote to you in May informing you of the launch of the Draft Environmental Statement and Design Refinement consultations. These consultations close on 11 July 2013 and we encourage you to submit your response.  Information on these consultations, including all the relevant documentation, is available online at www.hs2.org.uk.

Please note that there are different response channels for each consultation:

Draft Environmental Statement

You can respond to this consultation in the following ways:

Draft Environmental Statement Consultation
PO Box 70178


Design Refinement

Please respond to this consultation in one of the following ways:

  • By using our online response form on the HS2 website
  • By emailing your comments to HS2DesignRefinement@ipsos.com
  • By sending comments to our freepost address:
    Design Refinement Consultation
    PO Box 1152
    HA1 9LH

If you have any additional enquiries about the consultations please contact Public Enquiries on 020 7944 4908 or hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk or please let me know if you have any questions.

3 comments to “Environmental Statement Consultation ends next Thursday”
  1. The costs for HR2 are bound to rise yet again, and I fail to see why it is important to build a new railway line. I am currently in a situation where I engage in online conferencing, and do not need to travel. The money would be better spent protecting the environment, fostering wildlife, and educating the public to use online communication

  2. Pingback: STOP HS2 | How HS2 Threatens Wildlife and Woodland

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