More details on the Stop HS2 National Convention, 29th June 2013.

Click here to buy tickets for the Stop HS2 2013 Convention

Click here to buy tickets for the Stop HS2 2013 Convention

The 2013 Stop HS2 National Convention will take place at the Stafford County Showground on Saturday 29th June, with registration starting at 9.30 before the event starts at 10.30, finishing at 5.30.

In 2011, Stop HS2 held the first National Convention at another agricultural showground affected by HS2, the National Agricultural Centre in Stoneleigh, Warwickshire. Over 500 people attended (we stopped counting at 500!) and the day was a real success, with people coming to find out more about HS2, more about what they can do about HS2 and getting together with people from all over the country facing the same issues. The first convention intended to make the campaign against HS2 stronger, and it did. That is why we hope you will join us in Stafford.

The event will start and end with talking about the campaign so far and what we do next. Between that there will be a range of different session to choose from:

The impact of HS2 on the natural environment

What the rail network really needs

Fundraising for action groups

What do Action Groups do?

Freedom of information requests – how to get what you need to know

Engaging with the Press

Social media for beginners

Refreshing the campaign

Compensation advice from professionals

The campaign for compensation

Supporting farmers and landowners

Responding to the Environmental Statement and Design refinement consultations

Noise impacts of HS2

What tunnels mean for your community

The real impact of HS2 and planning for mitigation

International comparisons – Why high speed rail hasn’t worked.

The business case: A financial analysis

The economic case – The reality about jobs, the north-south divide and social equity.

HS2 and sustainability

The Parliamentary process including Hybrid Bill

Talking to HS2, community forums and bilateral – what to expect.

What individuals can do to stop HS2

Lobbying and working with your local Council

Politicians Question Time


Click here to buy tickets for the 2013 Stop HS2 National Convention

Click here to buy tickets for the 2013 Stop HS2 National Convention

To aid us with making sure that as many people can go to the sessions they want to, and avoid clashes, we are asking that; firstly, new action groups coordinate who goes to what, and secondly that anyone coming to the convention states which sessions they would prefer to go to. We hope that this will maximise the chances of everyone going to the sessions which they will benefit from the most.

There is already a mechanism to rate sessions in order of preference for those buying tickets online at, and anyone buying physical tickets will be able to state preferences via this website when they go on sale.

Additionally, there will be a number of stalls at the event, which will give people the opportunity to have one-to-one conversations with various experts on HS2.

Tickets are available at £10, with any profits, after we have of course covered the costs of this event, going to future campaign activity.

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2 comments to “More details on the Stop HS2 National Convention, 29th June 2013.”
  1. Pingback: Stop HS2 National Convention 29th June at Stafford County Showground

  2. Try with the NFU and CLA to represent the destruction this land take estimated to be over £20B of gain from confiscating the land area by the HMG the HS2 will cause across the whole Y. Invite MPs from outside the Y and inside the Y to address the tokenism to sustainablity and to the wanton destruction to the areas compared to smaller sections along the Network Rail routes that would make differences. Invite Network Rail and HS2 to a debate and the NHS, Schools and Pensioners and unemployed to represent their concerns about the diversion of funds to HS2 and the allocation of borrowings to this low priority.
    Invite David Attenborough and other conservationists to explain why HS2 is devastating.
    Request the event to deem that HS2 is the wrong thing and the wrong way to advance infrastructure in the UK.

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